AlTru Solution
I’ve spent many years serving various managerial and executive roles with a large mid-western electrical distributorship. The company I helped build has multiple locations and revenue placing them in the top 75 largest electrical distributors in the US. During my tenure, roles ranged from relationship development, to materials procurement and warehouse oversight - to sales staff development, marketing, mergers and acquisitions, high tech sales and specification. I had the unique opportunity to join a small business with progressive owners who allowed me to open new markets , manage critical areas of the operation, and lead opportunities (data-com, audio visual, access control, security, etc.). I was rewarded with senior management responsibilities and a key leadership role in the organization. I had a front row seat in helping grow a business and remain relevant in a tough industry. My status as an RCDD has remained current since 1998.

Our Team

Kelly C Johnson, RCDD
Kelly@AlTruSolution.com | Phone: 573-382-7760
I have spent 31 years serving various sales, managerial, and executive roles with a large midwestern electrical distributorship. The distributor I helped build, has multiple locations in multiple states and revenue placing them in the top 75 largest electrical distributors in the US. During my tenure, roles ranged from relationship development, to materials procurement and warehouse oversight - to sales staff development, marketing, mergers and acquisitions, high tech sales and specification.
My quest for adding value began in 1998 when I tested and passed as a Registered Communications Distribution Designer through BICSI. This registration allowed me travel all over the Midwest in states like Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, South Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Florida, and Texas. I worked with customers and consulted as their RCDD. Providing specification and stamping their projects was our primary value-added proposition. I have taught many customers how to terminate, test, and properly install horizontal fiber and copper. I’m well versed with many manufacturers and haven’t found a tool I could not master! Much of my work involved identification and consultation with business owners about grounding and bonding. Providing sales support to electrical contractors and data communications installers was the end result. Schools, hospitals, universities, and office complexes all grew with better, stronger, and more robust networks because of our cabling infrastructure designs.
I feel the highest expression of my contributions are found in the ability to combine a thorough understanding of the cost of materials and doing business - with motivating and managing a sales organization. Accomplishing this, framed by a perspective that recognizes the importance of adding value to customer relationships, is easily perceived as a commodity business. Contracting an outside specialist makes so much sense in today’s business world.
I was part of an ownership transition to private equity, allowing me a much better understanding of financial reporting, return on investment, and a leveraged balance sheet. Not the most fun in the world, but a real education in financial discipline. This experience led to another ownership transition, and the opportunity to work for one of the largest electrical distributors in the world.
I began Altru Solutions because I want to solve problems for businessmen. Providing an altruistic (not free) solution and service to old customer friends and new customer friends is my main objective. Thank you in advance for your business!